When I was a kid, my great aunt Mildred owned a cabin on the lake with her friend, Polly. I loved visiting them because I could spend all day, sitting on the dock, fishing. I remember one time, not much was going on, then, bam! I’d hooked a mighty catfish and had it within feet of the slippery bank when my cane pole snapped clean in half, and that monster disappeared back into the troubled waters.
I'm Coming With You
So, this is a weird time of the year for me. It always has been. As a kid, I was coming up during the time when the commercialism of the holidays was really taking off. Holidays would start when “It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” came on TV, leading to Halloween. Then right on its heels was Thanksgiving which was sort of pre-Christmas because the family would get together, but without the presents. After that, the whole thing kicked into overdrive. Lawn ornaments went up everywhere. There were trips downtown to see the department store windows with live-action characters from the North Pole. Rudolph and the Grinch were on TV. Then back again with the family, this time for real because they brought gifts. Then the big day, Christmas Day, with all the presents, and the annual French Toast casserole.
We Don't Need Angels
Well, here we are again. Folks, family, festivities, waiting for things to begin, waiting for them to be over. Smiling and loving and sharing joy and love and we sum it up every year when we turn to each other and substitute a simple “hello” with a much anticipated “Merry Christmas!” So, let me be the first: Merry Christmas!
Pointing the Way
Prepare Ye the Way of the Hoard
So, true fact – I wish John the Baptist were either more fleshed out in the Gospels, or absent all together. I mean, here we have Gospels all about Jesus, and just when we settle in to read about him, John pops up, yelling, waving his arms around, eating locusts, and generally being a wild man out in the wilderness. But the crux of the matter is, I want to know what motivates John. What caused him to take this turn in his life? Did he and Jesus hang out as cousins? What's the backstory?
"Blessing for the End of the World"
Do I Dare?
So, we are getting closer to the end of Matthew, and as a result, closer to the end of Jesus' life here on Earth. And he's trying so desperately to knock a little sense into his disciples and followers. How are they going to carry on without him? He wants them to know that it's going to be hard. . . but at the same time, it's going to be ok. They will have his example; they will have each other; they will have God's spirit. It's going to be ok. But they can't just sit and wait. There's work to be done.
Saints of God
Down in the Back
Stronger Than Death
Grimy Hands
So, I remember when I was a little kid, my grandmother seemed to always be in the kitchen. Which was good because I picked up a lot of tips. She always enjoyed having me help with whatever she was doing when I was done with all my outside playing. And by enjoyed, I mean she probably dreaded it, because I was sort of a Tasmanian Devil in the kitchen.
Fog Happens
So, The University of the South: Sewanee, where my residential seminary was, is located in Middle Tennessee, on top of a mountain at the very southern tip of the Cumberland Plateau. I don't know what it is about the confluence of weather patterns there, but as often as not, it was foggy. Now, we get fog here in this area, but, y'all, the fog there was FOG! I mean it was where San Francisco came to take fog lessons. It was actually just clouds, but when you are in the middle of a cloud, that's some serious fog. In fact, I still have a tee shirt somewhere in one of my drawers from my seminary days that says, “Fog Happens.” That's how famous this area is for fog.
The Kingdom of Heaven
So, the other day, I had a conversation with a guy who was working around the church that has been noodling around in the back of my mind ever since. He asked me what I thought happened after we die and what heaven was like. Now, I'm a priest, and he assumed at seminary we have had these conversations. But honestly, y'all, we never did.
Walking the Fields
One summer, before my grandaddy died, he got me and my friend, Randy, jobs with a farmer friend of his. I had decided I was done with competitive swimming the year before, so I had time on my hands. And I had a new (read “used”) car that needed gas and insurance and lots of work, so I needed the money. Man, oh, man, I had no idea what I was in for.
So, I went into that summer expecting days full of air conditioning and tv and hours wasted away s, but my mom had different plans. We had moved into a new house after the divorce, and she decided she wanted a garden. So, with the slow boil of summer beginning, we got to work, and the memories of AC and TV faded into the realm of what could've been. The first project was an enormous vegetable garden with wildflowers interspersed. Cone flowers will grow just about anywhere, and zucchini squash’ll fake it, at least for a season or two. Where I grew up, you’d have about an inch of chirt, that mixture of dirt and small rock, before hitting thick, hard clay that went down about six feet. You couldn’t dig a hole without a maddock, and that summer, I dug some holes.
So, for a while there, I was an avid reader of the Harry Potter series. The books were interesting, complex, adventuresome, AND it gave me a natural ‘in’ with my customers at the coffee shop, which was by a college campus, and everyone there was reading them. I can’t remember which book it was when I finally had to put it down. It was the one with the evil Delores Umbridge.
Comfort Zone
Abraham on the Balcony
So, when I was in seminary, they loved to make us take various and sundry personality tests, like the Myers-Briggs or the Minnesota Multiphasic Assessment. Most of the time, I did these with a small bit of grumbling. I mean, so, I end up being an INTJ or something, what am I supposed to do? Tattoo it on my head? But there was one test that I kinda was intrigued by. It was a Strengths Finder Test.