So, sometimes it's kinda hard to like people when they are prophets. Let's admit it. Sometimes prophets can kinda be jerks. Loud. Pushy. Getting in your face. Typing in all caps. And with John the Baptist, I have this special problem. You see, as a kid, I managed to see “Planet of the Apes” and “The Greatest Story Ever Told” at about the same time. So, I got a double dose of Charlton Heston, all grimy, dressed in rags, out in the wilderness. And as hard as I try, I can't quite separate hearing Heston as Taylor, yelling, “Get your stinking paws off me, you dirty apes,” from Heston as John the Baptist, yelling, “Repent! You brood of vipers!” Say what you want about the man, Charlton Heston had a voice. And boy could he yell.