So there is this word that is a lot of fun to say. It is “recrudescence.” Recrudescence. It means “the return of something bad after a brief reprieve.” It applies to all sorts of things in life, and I'm sure we can find plenty to apply it to. But it has some antonyms that we may be more familiar with (because we often seem to want to look on the bright side of things): resuscitation or rejuvenation.
Jesus and the Jellyfish
So, Are We Wise?
So, how many times have we heard the story of the Magi, the wise men, the THREE wise men? Legend give them names: Melchior, from Persia; Caspar, from India; and Balthazar, from Babylon. All from the east; all bringing valuable gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh. Gifts for the Christ child, gifts for a god, symbols of kingship, of deity, of death.
Holy Innocents
So, Merry Christmas! With that merrymaking out of the way, this Sunday we get hit with the other side of Christmas, a story most of us, especially us Protestants, tend to ignore because it doesn't fit in with all our jingle and Crosby and yule logs and gingerbread. It's known as the Commemoration of the Holy Innocents.
Christmas Eve with Lola
So, way back when I was beginning my discernment for the priesthood, a church committee would meet with me to discuss things. And one guy one time paused and asked, “How do you see your job as a shepherd?” I paused, was about to respond, and paused again. And I paused some more, to the point that people probably thought I'd sort of dozed off with my eyes open.
He Has Filled the Hungry with Good Things
A half-hour bus ride from St. George’s Cathedral and the Old City walls of Jerusalem takes you to the extreme western edge of the city, to a small neighborhood called Ein Karem. It used to be its own village, but time and the creeping expansion of urban centers is eating it up like a slow moving amoeba.
Let's Go Down to the River
Candle Light
If you ever get a chance to go to Rome, you will probably visit the Vatican. And if you visit the Vatican, you will probably visit the Sistine Chapel. And if you visit the Sistine Chapel you will probably try to locate on that famous ceiling, Michelangelo’s iconic picture of God reaching out, touching Adam’s finger, and giving him life. Everyone knows this picture, and you can get it on anything, even in Vatican gift shops: t-shirts, magnets, clocks, posters…I even have it on a tie.
What is a King?
When I first started seminary, I was back home in Chattanooga, having coffee with a friend of mine who directed community theater. She was planning to do a production of Jesus Christ Superstar, and some of the board members were worried that it would be too blasphemous. Now, in actuality, they were worried that sponsors would be mad, but they wrapped it up and presented it to her as blasphemous. Seriously, this was the mindset. This was Chattanooga at its weirdest.
Gleaning the Poor?
Wanna See a Saint?
So, here we are, All Saints Sunday. The beginning of the ending of the church calendar and the beginning of the beginning the the holiday season. And yet, somehow, even when we mark this day every year, it sort of get not much more than a passing nod of our time as we read off some names in church and go about our way.
You Think You're Better Than Me?
So, let's face facts. We all want to be the best at one time or another. We want to be the kid in class who gets chosen to beat the erasers; we want to be the gold medalist; we want straight A's; we want to fix something and have it actually work better. We, each in our own way, want to better ourselves.
Jump Into the Pool
So, when I was a teenager, I taught swimming lessons to little kids. The most fun part of it was “diving day.” Now “diving day” did not mean that these three and four year-olds would actually dive. That was still a long way off. But telling them they were diving rather than just jumping made them feel so special.
God with Us
So, my mom got a divorce. And frankly, I’m glad. I really believe that if she hadn’t, she would not be alive. Neither would I. And when she got that divorce, she became a success in work, a hero at home, and an all-around amazing human being. In fact, I’d actually say out loud and in front of everybody that her divorce was a moral good.
I Quit!!!
I need to tell you about the dogs, Cotton and Lola. Now Cotton is still with us and is a black-mouth cur (though that black mouth is pretty white now). He is the gentilist, most loving dog you could ever want. He has soulful brown eyes that you know actually see some goodness in you that you may not even be able to see yourself. Cotton is smart, so smart that sometimes I think he is on the verge of speech. He is that kind of dog.
Powerful, Competent Women Rule!
Cranky Jesus Is Alright by Me
So, here we are with this Gospel reading, and y'all, every time it comes up, I have trouble with it. This Sunday's Jesus doesn't fit with the picture of Jesus that we so often carry around. From the get-go, as little kids, looking at our Children's Bible, we have a picture of Jesus with a serene look on his face, arms outstretched, maybe doing a miracle or bouncing a child on his lap. Calm, happy, and inviting.
Following AJ
When my granddaddy was alive down in Red Bank (just outside Chattanooga), he and I were part of a secret club. Actually, we were the only two members of the club, and now it's just me, so I reckon it's ok to let you in on the secret. It really wasn't much of a secret to begin with (I'm pretty sure my Grandma and Mom knew) – it's just we never talked about it. My granddaddy said it wouldn't be as much fun doin' it if we told everyone, and as a kid that seemed to make perfect sense.