Come and See

Come and See

So, this reading from Samuel, it's really not the beginning of the story. It's actually sort of the middle of a story. A story of the People of God trying to establish a new nation in the Promised Land. After centuries of slavery, the People of God have entered the land promised by God and have been there for quite a while. Things have been fair to middling, other nations rise up agains them now and then, but so far they've managed to throw their conquerers off mostly. But it seems to be getting harder and harder.

Light Shining in the Darkness

Light Shining in the Darkness

So, for those of you that don’t know this already, I have a confession. I’m kind of a church nerd. I geek out over simple things like candles, crosses, and clergy fashion. There’s a certain, admittedly strange, joy I get from knowing weird things about the church and then using that trivia to impress people at cocktail parties. In seminary, Brooks, Quinn, and I even made a Book of Common Prayer themed version of Trivial Pursuit as a way of studying liturgics. We even got Dean Turrell to cancel some staff meetings so he could play with us!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

So, let's face it...this, what we are doing right now, is weird. But then again, what isn't weird in 2020. The last time we were together in person when we felt safe was in Lent. We were beginning our journey with Jesus to the cross, and we were planning Wednesday soup suppers with communion, and working on all the different things we do at Holy Week. Looking forward to Easter and resurrection and ham and egg hunts and churches with lilies.

Dancing to the Music of the Lord

Dancing to the Music of the Lord

So, a few years ago, I was visiting Fr. Brooks when he and Becca were living in Little Rock. I traveled from Chattanooga to Little Rock by taking back roads. I just love to see how people really live rather than an endless string of McDonald's and Exxons on an endless string of exit ramps. But it does make the trip significantly longer. So about nine hours after leaving home, I found myself sitting in Brooks's office in Christ Church. He had on his collar because he was at work, and I had on my collar because I wear it when I drive through rural Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas speed traps as a sort of insurance policy!

Prepare Ye the Way of the Hoard

Prepare Ye the Way of the Hoard

So, true fact – I wish John the Baptist were either more fleshed out in the Gospels, or absent all together. I mean, here we have Gospels all about Jesus, and just when we settle in to read about him, John pops up, yelling, waving his arms around, eating locusts, and generally being a wild man out in the wilderness. But the crux of the matter is, I don't really know what motivates John. What caused him to take this turn in his life? Did he and Jesus hang out as cousins? What's the backstory?

A Leader Who Serves? Imagine That!

A Leader Who Serves?  Imagine That!

So, we are at the end of our liturgical year, with the enticing name of Year A. Next week we begin Advent, a new church year, and we will call it an equally enticing name – Year B. Much about our church years are nice and regular: we begin with Advent, enter Christmas, round the corner to Lent, then Easter, with a lot of other things sprinkled here and there, but for the most part, we can anticipate what's coming.

Waiting Is Hard

Waiting Is Hard

So, I probably have a weirder sleep pattern than most of you. Maybe not, but I bet I do. It is not uncommon for me to be in bed by seven o'clock at night. Sometimes, if I'm splurging, it's six-thirty. Now I don't go right to sleep. I check out a podcast or two, or maybe I'll watch a Brit-crime show. Or some old Doctor Who. More often than not, a cooking show. But I'm in bed early.

Ain't You Got Anything Fried?

Ain't You Got Anything Fried?

So, I have this memory. I'm not sure it really happened – it may have kinda sorta happened and then my imagination just made it better as time went by. My mom was there, and she's here now, so I guess she can let me know if it really happened. And I suppose that I can just respond that, if she says no, well, I can just accuse her of being forgetful. So there's that.

Image of God

Image of God

So, we are entering into our season of images, like we do every year. Such a weird time in America and much of the world. Many across the nation are currently caught up in search of a particular type of squash. And when they find just the right one, they will take it home, eviscerate it, and then carve a face into it. Then plop a candle down in it and call that a job well done. Such a weird thing to do.



So, I have preached this parable before. I have preached it as it is written and as it is often most typically understood — as a kind of warning to accept the invitation to the ‘banquet’ and to be ready to attend at a moment's notice. That God is offering us a great opportunity, and we need to decide, and decide right...or else. In fact, even this week as I read it I was going down that path once more, trying to think of a nice story to go along with it.

The Long Race

The Long Race

So, as many of you know, Brooks and Becca have bought eleven acres of land up on Lake Moraine above Hamilton. I go up there a couple times a week just to sit and look at the water and deer, the family of bald eagles and the occasional fisher cat. It's a great place to just sit and will be a good place for the Catos to live in a few years once they build it out.

Everyone Was Someone's Baby

Everyone Was Someone's Baby

I've told y'all about Little Jimmy before. He was the homeless addict that would hang out at St. James, Knoxville. Conversations with him were difficult at times because he sort of took his on logic-path when he was talking. And I had trouble catching up when he's take a sharp turn in the story. But occasionally he would make pretty good sense, and learning about his life stories was actually a privilege.

Grab a Sackfull

Grab a Sackfull

So, for those of you who do not spend very much time in the Southeast, I need to tell you about a Southern treasure. I speak of none other than the Krystal hamburger. These depression-era burgers are the Southern cousin of the White Castle, small burgers, steamed in onions and covered with a pickle, mustard, and a soft, little bun. And sometimes cheese. Krystals are soul food for people in a hurry. The restaurants are generally open 24-hours a day, so they are the go-to food for those who would be better off going home after a long night. And they are often the bane of existence of those same people early the next morning. But man, oh, man, they are so good.